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A block in a \(t-J\) type Hilbert space, i.e. fermions with \(\uparrow, \downarrow\) spin excluding doubly occupied sites with distributed computing capabilities.

Sources tj_distributed.hpp, tj_distributed.cpp


tJDistributed(int64_t nsites, int64_t nup, int64_t ndn, std::string backend = "auto");
Name Description Default
nsites number of sites (integer)
nup number of "up" electrons (integer)
ndn number of "dn" electrons (integer)
backend backend used for coding the basis states auto

The parameter backend chooses how the block is coded internally. By using the default parameter auto the backend is chosen automatically. Alternatives are 32bit, 64bit.


An tJDistributed block can be iterated over, where at each iteration a ProductState representing the corresponding basis state is returned.

auto block = tJDistributed(4, 2, 1);
for (auto pstate : block) {
    Log("{} {}", to_string(pstate), index(block, pstate));



Returns the index of a given ProductState in the basis of the tJDistributed block.

int64_t index(tJDistributed const &block, ProductState const &pstate);


Returns the number of sites of the block.

int64_t nsites(tJDistributed const &block);


Returns the size of the block on a local process.

int64_t size(tJDistributed const &block) const;


Returns the dimension of the block, i.e. the sum of all sizes across all processes.

int64_t dim(tJDistributed const &block) const;


Returns whether the block can be used with real arithmetic. Complex arithmetic is needed when a Representation is genuinely complex.

bool isreal(tJDistributed const &block);