Building the Julia wrapper

In order to develop and extend the julia wrapper, one should work locally and build a local version of the xdiag Julia binaries. First, get the path to the CxxWrap package of julia. To do so, enter the Julia REPL,

and print the corresponding path using
using CxxWrap
This should print the /path/to/libcxxwrap-julia-prefix. This is then used to configure the cmake compilation.
cmake -S . -B build -D XDIAG_JULIA_WRAPPER=On -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/libcxxwrap-julia-prefix
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
The julia wrapper library can then be found in the install dir as, (or the corresponding library format on non-Linux systems).

In order to test the new shared library xdiagjl together with the XDiag.jl library, we need to override the artifact associated with the XDiag_jll.jl package. For this, first we need to find out which artifact is associated with XDiag_jll.jl. For this enter julia and type the following commands:

using XDiag_jll

This gives the directory in which the artifact is defined. Now we have to add a line in the Overrides.toml file, typically located at .julia/artifacts/Overrides.toml.

Here, we then add a line like this:

55ec928f6054024a4e9bf02e74e4da8b69175655 = "/path/to/xdiag/install"

The hash is to be replaced by the directory of the XDiag_jll.jl artifact.