Building the Julia wrapper
In order to develop and extend the julia wrapper, one should work locally and build a local version of the xdiag
Julia binaries. First, get the path to the CxxWrap
package of julia. To do so, enter the Julia REPL,
. This is then used to configure the cmake compilation.
cmake -S . -B build -D XDIAG_JULIA_WRAPPER=On -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/libcxxwrap-julia-prefix
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
, (or the corresponding library format on non-Linux systems).
In order to test the new shared library xdiagjl
together with the XDiag.jl
library, we need to override the artifact associated with the XDiag_jll.jl
package. For this, first we need to find out which artifact is associated with XDiag_jll.jl
. For this enter julia and type the following commands:
This gives the directory in which the artifact is defined. Now we have to add a line in the Overrides.toml
file, typically located at .julia/artifacts/Overrides.toml
Here, we then add a line like this:
The hash is to be replaced by the directory of the XDiag_jll.jl