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In standard C++ measuring time is a bit awkward. To quickly monitor the CPU time spent by XDiag by simple functions.

Simple timing using tic() / toc()

Similar as in Matlab one can use tic() and toc() to measure the time spent between two points in the code.

double e0 = eigval0(bonds, block);

toc() will output the time spent since the last time tic() has been called.

Detailed timing

To get the present time, simply call

auto time = rightnow();

A timing (in second) between two time points can be written to output using

timing(begin, end);

This can even be accompanied by a message about what is being timed and a verbosity level (see Logging) can also be set. The full call signature is

timing(begin, end, message, level);
Name Description Default
begin starting time computed using rightnow()
end end time computed using rightnow()
message message string to be prepended to timing ""
level verbosity level at which timing is printed 0